Resources for Young Professionals

CC-IUCN webinar 1: My experience in conservation with the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA)

August 2023: Meet the inspiring Erin Drage and hear how she has learned about conservation in Canada and around the world through a placement with the World Commission on Protected Areas. Erin shares her advice for youth, and what has helped her hte most.

CC-IUCN webinar 2: Advice for Youth in Conservation with Megan Quinn

September 2023: Join the amazing Megan Quinn for a webinar filled with tips and advice to advance your career in conservation. Megan talks about her experience at the Nature Conservancy of Canada and with the United Nations Assocation in Canada.

CC-IUCN webinar 3: Promoting conservation through an organization with a co-governance structure: the case of the Niagara Escarpment Biosphere Network.

November 2023: Join Dr. Liette Vasseur, Deputy Chair, IUCN Commission for Ecosystem Management for our November webinar!

The Niagara Escarpment Biosphere houses nearly a quarter of Canada’s endangered or threatened species where landowners need support to ensure continued commitment for their conservation and restoration efforts. The Niagara Escarpment Biosphere Network (NEBN) is a non-governmental organization established to support the co-management of the Niagara Escarpment Biosphere (NEB) as a community-led, grassroots organization that will work to meet the criteria and standards required by United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Through its co-governance structure with Indigenous and non-indigenous people, NEBN increases connections and collaborations among the various stakeholders of the NEB to develop a common vision for conservation, OECMs identification and restoration projects.

Introduction Video Series to IUCN with George Greene

In collaboration with Parks Canada, Canadian Wildlife Federation, CCIUCN and NatureForAll, we are happy to present a video series of intergenerational interviews!

Two Young Professionals, Marie-Philippe Ouellet from Parks Canada and Caitlin Brant from the Canadian Wildlife Federation, interviewed George Greene, former IUCN Assistant Director General and IUCN Council Member for North America. 

This series provides general background on IUCN, an introduction to the World Conservation Congress, and information on how you can be actively involved. 

Watch to this series to get more familiar with the IUCN and specifically youth roles! Make your best drink and dive into this series! 

In the first video, George gives an introduction to the structure and governance of the organization or ‘IUCN 101’.
In the second video, George gives an introduction to the IUCN World Conservation Congress.
In the final interview, George gives an introduction to how youth and young professionals (aged 35 and under) can get involved at the IUCN World Conservation Congress and beyond.